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October 18, 2023

Ranking Member Lofgren Reacts to EPA Leaded Aviation Fuel Endangerment Finding, Calls on FAA to Act Swiftly

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finalized a finding that emissions from aircraft powered by leaded fuel increase lead pollution in surrounding communities and endanger public health and welfare. This determination is a critical step in removing leaded fuel from aviation. The endangerment finding comes after a peer-reviewed study found elevated blood lead levels of children living downwind from Reid-Hillview Airport, which is in Ranking Member Zoe Lofgren’s (CA-18) district.

“This determination confirms what constituents in my district and Americans across the country know all too well—leaded aviation fuel is a dangerous pollutant,” said Ranking Member Lofgren. “I commend EPA for prioritizing public health and safety with the finalization of this endangerment determination. Communities near general aviation airports, like Reid-Hillview Airport in my district, have been poisoned by leaded aviation fuel. EPA’s conclusion should trigger swift action from the Federal Aviation Administration and industry to transition to unleaded aviation fuel. While today’s announcement is a step forward, we cannot be complacent. We must finish the job and protect our nation’s children from lead poisoning.”